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Drugs Intercepted From Incoming Inmate

Sheriff Mark Buchanan

Press Release

On 07/16/24 around 6:44 AM Russell Edward Bennett Jr, 44 years of age from Murphy was transported from the Cherokee County Detention Center to the Clay County Detention Center in Hayesville. Bennett had been picked up in Cherokee County for an outstanding Clay County warrant for his arrest for Felony Larceny.

As Bennett entered the Clay County Detention Center, he was seen holding a white bag which was said to contain his breakfast from the Cherokee County Detention Center.

Immediately after coming into the Clay County Detention Center, Detention Officer Juan Saldivar began a thorough search of Bennett’s person. During this search Officer Saldivar searched through the bag and contents that Bennett was holding. Officer Saldivar parted the bread of a peanut butter sandwich and found a small plastic bag containing 2.2 grams of a crystal-like substance that field tested positive for methamphetamine. Bennett was charged with Felony Possession of Methamphetamine Within a Prison/Jail Premises and held without bond. This investigation is continuing.

I am beyond proud of Officer Saldivar for his dedication and attention to detail in keeping the Clay County Detention Center a safe and secure place for inmates and Officers alike.


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